Blue Envelope Program

The Winfield Police Department in partnership with Union County and twenty local municipalities have launched the Blue Envelope Program to provide comfort and clarity to motorists with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during police encounters, this initiative streamlines the process and promotes understanding for both drivers and officers.
Motorists with ASD and their chosen representative can obtain a designated "blue envelope" from the Winfield Police Department. This envelope serves as a secure storage for essential documents like driver's license, registration, insurance card, and emergency contact. The envelope provides clear instructions for drivers, highlighting where to keep the envelope, how to communicate with officers, and how to respond during a stop.
It's the police officer's interaction to conduct each and ever motor vehicle stop with professionalism, fairness, and understanding while safeguarding the public by enforcing motor vehicle laws. We hope the Blue Envelope Program helps get us to that place while having contact with a motorist who might require a different approach to what an officer routinely encounters. We are excited to bring this program to Winfield and hope it allows us to better assist the community we serve.
The get a "Blue Envelope" call our police department at 908-925-3852 x 102 and speak to the Chief of Police. You can also pick one up at Winfield Police Department, 12 Gulfstream Avenue, Winfield, NJ 07036
Motorists with ASD and their chosen representative can obtain a designated "blue envelope" from the Winfield Police Department. This envelope serves as a secure storage for essential documents like driver's license, registration, insurance card, and emergency contact. The envelope provides clear instructions for drivers, highlighting where to keep the envelope, how to communicate with officers, and how to respond during a stop.
- The Blue Envelope not only assists drivers but also guides police officers on how to approach the encounter with sensitivity. It advises officers that:
- Driver may exhibit signs of anxiety due to bright/ strobe lights or loud noises like radios and sirens.
- Driver may display repetitive body movements or fidgeting and may have unusual eye contact.
- Speak clearly and use the most simplistic explanations possible. Limit unnecessary details.
- Allow drivers extra time to respond; driver may need more time to formulate a response to questions.
- Inform driver clearly and plainly when the stop is over and they are free to leave.
- If driver becomes upset, consider contacting the person listed on the enclosed emergency contact.
It's the police officer's interaction to conduct each and ever motor vehicle stop with professionalism, fairness, and understanding while safeguarding the public by enforcing motor vehicle laws. We hope the Blue Envelope Program helps get us to that place while having contact with a motorist who might require a different approach to what an officer routinely encounters. We are excited to bring this program to Winfield and hope it allows us to better assist the community we serve.
The get a "Blue Envelope" call our police department at 908-925-3852 x 102 and speak to the Chief of Police. You can also pick one up at Winfield Police Department, 12 Gulfstream Avenue, Winfield, NJ 07036